Hairball Control🙀

Welcome back to shedding season! 🥴 ⁠

If you’re a cat owner like me, you’re no stranger to that unmistakable hairball hack! 🤢 Especially when it comes to long haired cats, this is just a fact of life. Pets develop hairballs when hair is swallowed during grooming, and it builds into a ball in the stomach. But no need to jump right to expensive “Hairball” foods! ⁠

🌱 There’s a few natural remedies that you can do at home to help take care of those nasty blobs before they end up stuck to your foot! ⁠⁠

- BRUSHING! 💇🏽‍♀️ Brushing your cat more often will help reduce the hair swallowed during grooming⁠

- OILS! 🥥 Adding a little bit of oil to your cat’s meals, or leaving a dish out for them to lick as they want, and this will help live up the tubes for hair to pass naturally before turning into a ball! 🐟 Good oils to use: Fish/krill , Coconut, olive ⁠

- ENZYMES! 🥩 Fresh, raw foods are packed with live enzymes. Feeding fresh meats & goat milk will provided natural enzymes to help your cat digest the hair. ❗️NOTE- heat/cooking denatures enzymes, so pasteurized & cooked foods don’t count! ❗️⁠

-FIBER! 🥦 Fiber will also help in digestion and passing of hairs. 🍎 Good options: Psyllium husk, grasses, puréed green veggies, pumpkin, and other low-glycemic veggies! ⁠

- MOISTURE!! 💧I know I sound like a broken record, but moisture is 100% essential in cat diets! Feeding “wet” (canned, raw) foods or adding moisture into dry foods, will help your cat digest and pass hairs much easier. 💩⁠

🦁 Find the combination that works for your cat! I think you will also find that with higher quality & fresh food diets, these nasty suckers will be much less of an issue. ⁠

📲 Questions on cat health or nutrition? Reach out and I’m happy to chat!! ⁠

Lauren Becks