Fit vs. Fat

New Year, New Dog Bod! 💪🏻🎉⠀

Quarantine bod is real, I myself can attest to that. But is your dog suffering because of it? ⠀

A little junk in the trunk may not seem like a big deal, but obesity is no joke. In fact, pet obesity is a sweeping and dangerous epidemic! 2020 reports show that well over 56% of American dogs, and 60% of cats are obese, and less than 10% successfully lose weight after diagnosis. ⠀

And here’s the tough-to-swallow-pill about pet obesity: It’s 100% on you as the owner! ☝🏼 You decide what and when your pet eats, and so it is up to you to take charge of your pet’s health! ⠀

And pet obesity has some serious consequences: ⠀

🤒 Shortened Lifespan & Reduced Life Quality⠀

🔥Chronic Inflammation (leads to disease)⠀

😵 Skin Disorders ⠀

🦴Arthritis & Bone Disease ⠀

♥️ Multiple organ diseases⠀

But before you jump right to “Weight Loss” Foods (a scam, BTW 👎🏼) here are a few ways to help poochy lose the booty! ⠀

📈 Use a body condition scoring chart to help you set goals and track progress! ⠀

🙅🏼‍♀️ Cut back on food! Portion suggestions are not one-size-fits-all. ⠀

🥯 Cut back on the carbs! Grains & other simple sugars in food and treats are mostly comverted to fat. ⠀

🥦 Add in fresh, LOW GLYCEMIC fiber to help curb appetite ⠀

🥩 Switch to healthier treats, and cut back on meals when feeling lots of treats! ⠀

I know everyone loves a #Chonky Boye, but this is something that needs to be taken very seriously! Obese, wheezing animals are not cute, and will definitely have reduced lifespans and quality of life 😿 ⠀

So set a New Years Resolution for your pets, and help them get healthy and live their best lives! For any questions on Diet & Weight Loss, feel free to reach out and I am more than happy to help set a plan! ☺️⠀

Lauren Becks